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Author Interview: Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires, Weather Warden & more)

I am so very excited to have Rachel Caine here with me today. I was recently introduced to her Morganville Vampires series and I became hooked instantly! She agreed to answer a few questions for me so here they are, hope you enjoy!

Q: I know you write and have a full time job, what are some things you do in you free time(besides writing!):

A: My husband and I share a great love of movies and TV, and we have a ridiculous movie theater and a whole room full of DVDs and Blu-Ray movies. We also love art, and go to a lot of art shows. My husband also loves old pulp magazines and comics, too, so I'm getting more into that. I love to hang out with my friends when we can!

Q: Out of all of the characters you write(any book), do you have a favorite:
A: I'd have to say that of all the characters I've ever written, I enjoy writing Shane and Myrnin the most (from Morganville). Although Lewis from the Weather Warden series is in the running, too.

Q: You've been writing adult fiction a lot longer than YA, was writing YA ever a possibility before being approached on the subject?
A: I really didn't have any idea I'd be able to do it - I was aware of the genre and starting to read some really great stuff coming out of it, but I didn't think I could do as well with it. So I think I needed the push to get me started!

Q:If you could trade places with any character that you've read, who would it be and why?
A: Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes stories. I'd just love to see Holmes work his magic firsthand.

Q: What are some of your favorite authors/books?
A: I have so many! Always love Charlaine Harris and Jim Butcher's work, whatever they do ... also really love Richelle Mead and Jackie Kessler (I just got to read an advance copy of Jackie's new book HUNGER, and it's phenomenal). I love Holly Black, Tamora Pierce, and Scott Westerfield as well. Moving out of the genre, I am a ridiculously huge fangirl of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child's Agent Pendergast books.

Silly Randomness:

Q: Cook or bake:
A: Cook! (In fact, cooking right now!)

Q: Favorite animal:
A: I love lizards. Especially chameleons and iguanas.

Q:Tv or movies:
A: Why choose? I love them both!

Q: Nickname(s):
A: Rox, Roxy, Hey You ...

Thanks so much Rachel! Congrats on all your success and here's to hoping theres much more to come(which there will be)!
I hope you all enjoyed the interview! Thanks for stopping by! :)
 Sherry <3


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the interview with Rachel Caine & thanks to Rachel for taking the time to share here. I liked learning a bit more about Rachel.
All the best,

Hell Kat said...

Hi! It was fun to learn some more about Rachel... I love Shane so I'm glad to see that he is one of her favs.
Paranormal Fantasies

Unknown said...

Great interview! I also love the Morganville Vampire series!

Sara said...

Great review! I love the Morganville Vampire books, and would love to try Rachel's other books! Writes AND have a full-time job, that's impressing! Oh also, I never think I've seen anyone answering "Lizards" on the favorite animal question before! :P

LunaMoth said...

Wonderful interview! i love the morganville series, and im going to pop on amazon and check out her other stuff right now! (and lizards are so fun!)

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Great interview! I definitely want to read these books :)

Bethany Wiggins said...

What a great interview. I loved the question about becoming a character. If I had to choose one, I'd be Elizabeth Bennett in a heartbeat!

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Thanks for participating in The Saturday Network yet again! :D

And awesome interview! Rachel is hilarious, lol. I'm a total Shane fan, so I'm glad she loves him too. :D

Corrine said...

Great interview! I love all of her books, series, etc. And Shane is definitely my favourite too! :)

Blueicegal ♥ said...

loved it im such a fan moragnville series rock!!

Lola said...

Awesome interview! Rachel Caine is one of my favorite authors of all time! I LOVED The Weather Warden Series and The Morganville Vampire series. :D Agreed...Shane and Lewis are awesome characters! I bet they are fun to write! Love the pick of authors btw. :)

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