
Note to my followers:

Currently not in use. But I'm not deleting it because I may start back up again one day.

A note for you!

Hey everyone! So sorry I was absent today, had a lot going on! Threw a surprise party for my Aunt's bday! It was so much fun and she was surprised so double bonus for me! I am in the middle of a few books right now and I promise to post a review by monday at the latest for at least one of them! I should spend more time reading instead of chatting online all night.. ahem *kari* ahem...

Anyways... keep on the lookout for my upcoming reviews and don't forget to enter my contests if you haven't done so yet. I might be *wink wink* posting yet another contest on Monday so check back to see what you can win! :) I love keeping you all on your toes... or I guess I should say fingertips... lol

Ok maybe I am really bad at making jokes...

Alright I really have to go to bed because 3:30am comes very early and I should try to at least get a little sleep before work.. if only I had the day off, I could get so much done!

Night all! :)

Sherry <3


Kari Olson said...

Hey now! You willingly stayed! I never tied you down and forced you to stay on chatting. You just love me far too much to have just ditched. So, Ha.

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Go sleep, silly lady! I look forward to all your thoughts on all the books you're reading! :)

Diana Paz said...

Hi, I just came by to say thanks for following my blog and entering my contest. Your blog is great, I love the layout! I hope you had fun at your aunt's birthday party... life has a way of sneaking into my blogging life too lol.

Alyssa Kirk said...

Party sounds like fun! I'll look forward to your upcoming reviews!

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