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Author Interview: Lisa Schroeder

As you all know I recently hit 100 followers, and here to help celebrate that milestone is Lisa Schroeder. Her most recent release was Chasing Brooklyn which just came out in Janurary. She's also the author of I heart you, You haunt me and Far From You.

Me: Hello Lisa so glad you could come by, Can you start off by telling us a little bit about yourself?

Lisa: Well, I live in Oregon with my husband and two sons, and I just recently quit the day job to go full-time with the writing for awhile. I sort of miss having a job and getting out and interacting with people, so I suspect at some point I'll go back half-time, but for now, it's been nice not having so much to juggle. In my free time, I love going for walks with my dog in the neighborhood, watching my favorite TV shows (Glee, Friday Night Lights, Project Runway, Vampire Diaries), and baking yummy things.

Me: Describe your latest release, Chasing Brooklyn:

Lisa: It's about two teens, Nico and Brooklyn, who are both being haunted, and until they let each other in, not one soul will be able to rest!

Me: You write for both teens and kids, do you find one genre more exciting to write than the other?

Lisa: That's a hard question. I love writing for all the age groups, really, because I just love kids, period. Mostly, if I love a book idea and fall in love with the characters, the book is exciting for me. And that's good, because writing a book is really hard so it's important to be excited.

Me: Out of the books you've written, do you have a favorite?

Lisa: I don't think so. Each one holds a special place in my heart. It really is a little like having children. They're all different, but special in their own ways.

Me: Three Books: one that has stayed with you since childhood, a recent find, and one you are looking forward to?

Lisa:Childhood: CHARLOTTE'S WEB by E.B. White
       A recent find: THE NAUGHTY LIST by Suzanne Young
       Looking forward to: PRINCESS FOR HIRE by Lindsey Leavitt

Me: Favorite Author(s):

Lisa: Laurie Halse Anderson, John Green, Sarah Dessen, Sara Zarr, Sonya Sones, L.K. Madigan

Me: Anything in the works?

Lisa: Always. But it's top secret, sorry!

Me: Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with us, hope you have a great day!

Lisa: Thanks so much for having me and happy 100 followers!


Hope you enjoyed the interview, if you haven't read anything my Lisa before, you can check out all of her works here!

Keep on the lookout for more author interviews coming soon! :)

Sherry <3


Kari Olson said...

Awesome interview! =D Lisa's most definitely at the top of my favorite authors list because Chasing Brooklyn was just that amazing. Read it if you haven't lovely followers of Sherry. It is well worth it.

Unknown said...

Wow amazing interview!! So much fun! Thank you for sharing!!!

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Fun interview! I recently read Chasing Brooklyn and fell in love with it. Really amazing book. I agree with Kari, read it! I look forward to reading Lisa's other works. :)

Alyssa Kirk said...

I'm looking forward to this one. Great interview. I love Charlotte's Web too and Glee is my favorite. I wonder what yummy things she bakes!

Robby said...

She's so sweet! :] I can't wait to read her books.

Jemi Fraser said...

Great interview! I'm looking forward to the new book :)

Cindy said...

Great interview Sherry! I haven't read any of her books, I am very sad to say. But I will someday, hopefully soon! I've only heard great things about them :)

Unknown said...

you`ve had lots of interviews lately! bravo!

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the excellent interview with Lisa Schroeder & thank you to Lisa for sharing here. I enjoyed the conversational tone and the insight into Lisa & her writing.
All the best,

StephTheBookworm said...

Awesome interview! Lisa has some great taste in television I see. Glee, Friday Night Lights, and Project Runway are among my favorites too. Her book looks fabulous and I can't wait to read it.

Shy said...

I Heart You, You Haunt Me & Chasing Brooklyn have been in my wishlist for quite a long time. Heard so many things about them!

Nina said...

Great interview! I read I heart you, you haunt me..very nice!

misskallie2000 said...

I loved your interview and Chasing Brooklyn is a delightful book I would love to read. My 15 yr old grandaughter might be able to read this one. I will have to check it out.
Congrats on your over 200 followers.

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