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Waiting on Wednesday (4)

I realized that I still don't have a list of books that I want when they are released. That's terrible because i'm sure there were some that I have forgotten about over time... I should start a list... :)

Anyways... on with WoW!

"Waiting on" Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine.

This week while I was perusing through the upcoming releases on Amazon and Borders. I had heard of the book but never really knew what it was about.

by Amy Brecount White
(March 2, 2010)
Summary from goodreads:
"When someone leaves three mystery flowers outside her dorm door, Laurel thinks that maybe the Avondale School isn't so awful after all — until her own body starts to freak out. In the middle of her English presentation on the Victorian Language of Flowers, strange words pop into her head, and her body seems to tingle and hum. Impulsively, Laurel gives the love bouquet she made to demonstrate the language to her spinster English teacher. When that teacher unexpectedly and immediately finds romance, Laurel suspects that something — something magical — is up. With her new friend, Kate, she sets out to discover the origins and breadth of her powers by experimenting on herself and others. But she can’t seem to find any living experts in the field of flower powers to guide her. And her bouquets don't always do her bidding, especially when it comes to her own crush, Justin. Rumors about Laurel and her flowers fly across campus, and she's soon besieged by requests from girls — both friends and enemies — who want their lives magically transformed — just in time for prom."
This sounds like a very cute, fun read but it also sounds like it could be more than that. I don't know how far the author takes the magic but heres to hoping its chock full of goodness!
What are you waiting on?
Sherry <3


Melissa said...

Interesting concept, I'll have to check out that one when it's out!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Sounds adorable. I've seen it on blogs recently and now I'll watch for reviews. Good pick!

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

This book sounds really good! I've signed up for a tour with the international book tour for this book, I hope I'll get a chance to read it during their tour =)

My choice for todays WoW post is a book called The Thief Taker's Apprentice.

Anonymous said...

Nice pick for WoW! This book sounds interesting :)

Nina said...

This one sounds nice. I really want to read this book.

Lori said...

Good pick. I hope that you will enjoy it. Here's Mine

Corrine said...

I've never heard of this one before... thanks for posting it! :)

The Library Lurker said...

It sounds great! Good pick!

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Great pick! This one has been popping up on blogs recently, I'm looking forward to reading everyone's reviews.

Christina T said...

I've heard of this one and it does look like it could be a good book.

Here is my WoW pick.

Kari Olson said...

Snazzy pick =)

Michelle Santiago said...

ohhhh!! magic and flowers and love... sounds like a fun book! great pick :)

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

I've heard good things about this one!!

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