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Blog Tour: Firespell by Chloe Neill

Yay, this is my first ever time partaking in a Blog Tour! I'm so happy it's a book I absolutely loved, Firespell, the first book in the Dark Elite series by Chloe Neill! If you missed my review you can check it out here!

For those of you who are not familiar with what Firespell is, here is the summary from goodreads:

"As the new girl at the elite St. Sophia’s boarding school, Lily Parker thinks her classmates are the most monstrous things she’ll have to face…

When Lily’s guardians decided to send her away to a fancy boarding school in Chicago, she was shocked. So was St. Sophia’s. Lily’s ultra-rich brat pack classmates think Lily should be the punchline to every joke, and on top of that, she’s hearing strange noises and seeing bizarre things in the shadows of the creepy building.

The only thing keeping her sane is her roommate, Scout, but even Scout’s a little weird—she keeps disappearing late at night and won’t tell Lily where she’s been. But when a prank leaves Lily trapped in the catacombs beneath the school, Lily finds Scout running from a real monster.

Scout’s a member of a splinter group of rebel teens with unique magical talents, who’ve sworn to protect the city against demons, vampires, and Reapers, magic users who’ve been corrupted by their power. And when Lily finds herself in the line of a firespell, Scout tells her the truth about her secret life, even though Lily has no powers of her own—at least none that she’s discovered yet…"

Chloe has been kind enough to answer some questions as part of this tour! I hope you all enjoy learning more about her!

Me: Thanks so much for stopping by Chloe!
Chloe: You're very welcome. Thanks for having me!

Me: I love to start off interviews by getting to know the author better, so why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Chloe: Well, I live in the midwestern U.S. I have two dogs, Baxter and Scout. I love Diet Coke and Apple computer gadgets, and red is my "signature" color.

Me: How did you get the idea for Firespell?
Chloe: Actually, it came to me during my lunch break one day. My agent had asked if I had any ideas for a young adult series, and the premise of FIRESPELL--particularly the idea that the Adepts' magic isn't permanent--popped into my head.

Me: Before Firespell there was the Chicagoland Vampires series. Obviously they have their differences, but how is writing different genres for you. Was it difficult to jump from vampires to magic users?
Chloe: Not really. There's plenty of magic in the Chicagoland Vampires series, although they are two completely different magical universes. The bigger difference was writing about teenagers--no drivers licenses, school all day, curfews, that kind of thing.

Me: Who was the easiest character for you to write in Firespell, hardest?
Chloe: Scout is the easiest. Lily is probably the hardest, because she's still trying to figure out who she is, especially now that she's moved to Chicago.

Me: Is there a character that you favor more than others?
Chloe: I love all my characters equally, but Merit (heroine of my Chicagoland Vampires series), is probably my favorite.

Me: How is Dark Elite #2 coming? Can we look forward to more after #2?
Chloe: It's coming along slowly right now, as I'm editing TWICE BITTEN (Chicagoland Vampires #3) at the same time. Yes--there are currently three Dark Elite books under contract. After that, who knows?


Book: Outlander
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Flavor of ice cream: Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter & Chocolate
TV show: Leverage, Bones
Movie: Pride & Prejudice (the A&E version)
Animal: Dogs


Nickname: Hmm. I don't have one!
Pets: Baxter and Scout (dogs)
Drive or Fly: Drive. I love to drive!
Facebook or Myspace: Facebook (although I'm on both).
Summer or Winter: Fall is my favorite season, but right now I'm ready for spring!

Me: Thanks so much for your time Chloe, it was fun getting to know more about you and Firespell!
Chloe: Thanks for having me today!


**contest is now closed, thanks everyone for entering**

So now you know more about Chloe, if you haven't read Firespell yet, check it out so you can learn more about that too!

In honor of the blog tour Chloe is giving one winner a copy of Firespell and some swag!!!

This is only open to those in US/Canada, so sorry international followers!

I know some people don't like to leave their email address in the comments section, so all you have to do is fill out this form, which simply asks for your name and email address. Everyone gets one entry and one entry only, it is just so much easier this way and everyone has the same chances of winning!

So get entering and good luck! This contest will end March 5th, 2010. (Midnight eastern time)

Sherry <3


Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Great interview! I've heard great things about this, and I definitely want to read it! :)

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Wonderful interview - thanks, ladies! I can't wait to read the book. :-)

mrso_d at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

AWESOME She is soo much fun...awesome interview! :) I LOVED Firespell!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wonderful interview with Chloe & thank you to Chloe for taking the time to share here. I liked the conversational tone & learning a bit more about one of my favorite authors.
All the best,

Unknown said...

A great interview. I'm going to tweet. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds like an awesome book! Great interview :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love all her books and what a great interview!

Lola said...

Awesome interview! I highly enjoyed Firespell and look forward to reading The Chicagoland Vampire series! :)

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Firespell is one of those I'm hoping to get my hands on soon. Sounds like something I'd really enjoy. Very cool interview!

Tammy said...

Wow! Great Interview. If I don't win this one it's going to have to go on my wish list-sounds like I need to read it. Thanks.

misskallie2000 said...

Great interview and review. I have read several other reviews and they all agree this is a great book. I really want to read this one.
Pls add my name to giveaway.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

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