
Note to my followers:

Currently not in use. But I'm not deleting it because I may start back up again one day.

A whole sha-bang of interviews set up!

Yes, you heard me correctly! I have a number of interviews set up, some all ready to post and some i'm still waiting for, and I was going to host a contest for each one, but unfortunately funds are running low. I'm hosting four contests right now, three of which I am buying new books for the winner of each contest! Yes, I am awesome. And I seriously love buying you guys books, but crappy things seem to happen to me, one right after the other, and my car needs some fixin up so I won't be able to host all those wonderful contests that I wanted to. Instead I decided to post all of the interviews when I get them, not all at once, but one a day, and after I will host a contest where all the books from those authors will be up for grabs and there will probably be a couple of winners. I would love to be able to give all of those books away but I just can't afford it right now. :( So sorry.

So anyways... make sure you keep on the lookout for some awesome interviews/guest posts from some kickass authors like Rachel Caine (author of series like Weather Warden, Morganville Vampires and more), Joy Preble(author of Dreaming Anastasia), and Christina Diaz Gonzalez(Tenner author of The Red Umbrella). Also the next couple of months I will be participating in some blog tours, including Chloe Neill's Firespell, Judith Graves' Under my Skin, and Angela Morrison's Sing me to Sleep.

I'm trying to do what I can to make this blog as enjoyable for you as it is for me! I love talking with some of my favorite authors, hosting contests for you, and interacting with other amazing bloggers! So thanks to all of you that take the time to stop by and offer a friendly comment, and those that take the time to enter my contests, it means i'm not doing this all for myself, and that others out there enjoy it too! Thanks again!

Sherry <3


Corrine said...

Yay Sherry! I enjoy stalking your blog... lol

Anonymous said...

Yay! It doesn't matter if you can't hold a lot of contests and giveaways; you still rock :)

Unknown said...

I love all the details & interviews you giveaway, so other contests aren't necessary! Love stopping by as always!

Bookish in a Box said...

I'm looking forward to the Joy Preble interview! Dreaming Anastasia sounds like such a neat book.

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