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Currently not in use. But I'm not deleting it because I may start back up again one day.

Favorite Friday(8): Featuring Harmony from Radiant Reads!

*Favorite Friday is a weekly meme that focuses on bloggers or authors favorite things. You are welcome to use my meme and button, just please credit me!*

Welcome to this weeks edition of Favorite Friday. Sharing with us today is Harmony from Harmony's Radiant Reads!


The lovely Sherry has let me take over her blog so I’m gonna talk a little about myself! I’m 14, going into High School in exactly two days, AND am in revisions of my current novel, My Lover. (not the actual title but I’m keeping it a secret;)

Oh dear, what am I gonna talk about? Hmmm…well I’m gonna talk about YOUTUBE. Why? Because I’m watching vlogbrothers videos at the moment so I’m gonna do it! Youtube is super fun and if you get past all the pointless junk you can find cool stuff! For example:

Vlog Brothers: If you haven’t heard of them, they’re HILARIOUS. You probably know them though, since one of them is JOHN FREAKIN’ GREEN. You know, Looking for Alaska? Paper Towns? An Adundance of Katherines? YEAH, HIM. Yeah, him! And his brother, Hank Green who writes awesome songs about Angler fish and such.

YARebels: You may not know the youtube channel but you sure know the authors! Hannah Mosk? Kody Keplinger? Karsten Knight? Well, they’re all part of the YARebels! It’s pretty much 7 authors or authors-to-be that vlog with tips, hilarity, and they’re actually REALLY helpful! Check them out as well!


So there you have it! Thanks for the awesome YOUTUBE channels. I started watching videos O.O  :P

Are there any YOUTUBE channels that you get hooked on? Share with us!!



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