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Review: Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder (Book 1 in the Study Series)

(Purchased by me)

Summary from goodreads:

"Choose: A quick death and hell or slow poison and hell.

About to be executed for murder, Yelena is offered an extraordinary reprieve. She'll eat the best meals, have rooms in the palace and risk assassination by anyone trying to kill the Commander of Ixia.

And so Yelena chooses to become a food taster. But the chief of security, leaving nothing to chance, deliberately feeds her Butterfly's Dust and only by appearing for her daily antidote will she delay an agonizing death from the poison.

As Yelena tries to escape her new dilemma, disasters keep mounting. Rebels plot to seize Ixia and Yelena develops magical powers she can't control. Her life is threatened again and choices must be made. But this time the outcomes aren't so clear."

My Review: ***** = 5 Stars

I have had my eye on this book for quite some time. Everytime I go to Border's I see it, but I already have my hands full and say next time instead of just grabbing it. So I saw it the other day and I said, alright it's time you need to read this book now, so I bought it. Well, it was definitely amazing. I have been looking for books that grab my attention from the get go and this one did. It's so interesting and unique. A couple of things reminded me of The Hunger Games though the books are nothing alike, but this one came out three years prior to THG so its still very unique in my mind. I love the main lead Yelena. She's had a rough time, and it's like everything that comes her way is terrible, even the semi-good things. And I love Valek. He's spytacular(get it, he's a spy..), the best of the best, gorgerous and mysterious. How can you not love him???
It seemed like everytime I thought I had something figured out I was getting caught by surprise! I found myself saying stuff outloud like "NO WAY!" or "HE CAN'T DO THAT!" Yes, that would be my voice raised... heh lol.. I can't believe I didn't buy Magic Study at the same time because now it's one of the few things I want to read. Luckily I have one thing to hold me over(thank god you're here The Iron King) but once that's over it's to the store for me, and i'm buying both Magic Study and Fire Study.. I'm not playing any games with this one! One super awesome plus side of waiting so long to read it is the books are all out, which means no waiting months to find out what happens next!  With that said, I think you all know how I feel. Snyder weaves an adventurous tale full of action, suspense, romance, sabatage and more. And while it obviously has some paranormal magic going on, it's not overpowering at all. This is going into my all time favorites shelf... once they get organized that is!

What are you waiting for go read this series!!

Have you read already read and reviewed this! Leave me your link so I can check it out!
(I tried mr. linky and app. he doesn't like me...)

Sherry <3


Melissa said...

I love this book!

Kirthi said...

I love this book too, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I heart Valek. Him and Yelena go so well together :D ~swoon~

Unknown said...

I haven't even heard of this book! It sounds like I'm truly missing out!!! How fantastic!!! I am already intrigued... I love the "spytacular" it made me giggle!

I love those books that catch your eyes and for weeks you say "next time" and when you finally pick it up, you're like "WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG!!!" sometimes those are the best finds!

Unknown said...

sounds like a good read -- surprising and good. again, great energy, Sherry! thx!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fantastic read. Thanks for the heads up Sherry :)

P.S. Greaaat review. It's awesome, sista!

vonze said...

I loved this book! I got it as a gift and it was a real surprise. I couldn't believe I'd never heard of it before. Can't wait to read the next two.

in which a girl reads said...

Wow, glowing review! 5 stars!

I really need to go read this one now, it sounds amazing :)

Kristin Rae said...

I LOVE Valek! Great book, great review! :)

Natalie said...

Aah!!! I haven't gotten to read ANYTHING by Maria Snyder yet, but I keep reading great reviews of her books! I really wish I could make more time to read, but I'm lucky if I get through two books in a week with my classes. Great review. I'll definitely have to bump this one up a few notches on the TBR list!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

I so want to read this one! Your review is perfect :)

Monster of Books said...

I'll be reviewing this one tomorrow, but I agree with you. It was awesome, simply amazing and delightful. I could read this one over and over again. I just bought the sequel, Magic Study.

Trollololol said...

I LOVED Poison Study and the rest of the trilogy is good... but not as good as the first book in my opinion. Still worth the read though! I hope you enjoy! :)

The Library Lurker said...

I loved this book too! And the next ones are just as good! Here's my review:

Ammietia (a girl you once knew) said...

I love Poison Study as well, and Magic Study isn't too bad either. I don't know which one I like better, really.

I'm holding off on Fire Study because I have other books to read and homework piling up (and I have it on the computer so I really can't take it everywhere... :( ) but it's growing more and more impossible to resist!

Ky said...

Haha. Yes I've already read and reviewed Snyder's books. I am an obsessive fan girl and I think I got my mother addicted as well. Haha. You know where to find me. :P

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